Who I Am

Nadine Krasnow

Nadine Krasnow

For 16 years, I was Executive Director, Corporate Director of Marketing and Sales, or consultant for various companies that owned and/or operated retirement communities.

My task was to reach full census, that is, to make sure that all apartments were occupied with residents. This was true whether or not the community was a for-profit or a not-for-profit.

It became apparent to me during this time that most prospective residents and their loved ones did not understand the issues well enough to ask the right questions. The sales counselors presented the community and the lifestyle in the best possible light of course, and did not discuss potential problems of ownership, management, or staffing.

Some well-known national communities went bankrupt. Although most have been able to reorganize, I believe that the absence of full disclosure is a serious issue for prospective and current residents.

My mission is to be the advocate for the consumer during this process, so the best possible decision is made. It’s hard to move at any age, but especially difficult when elderly. Mistakes can’t be corrected easily, if at all.

As people began to ask me for advice when they or their loved one needed to make a change in their home because of advancing age and/or declining health, I added options other than moving to a retirement community to my areas of expertise. There really is no perfect solution, only a solution that works for a certain period of time. Then, often, another decision needs to be made.

Join me as I educate you on what the options are for… the next chapter.